
Believe it or not, despite my family's nearly 60 years of experience in the pet food industry, up until my first time in a pet store presenting RAWZ to customers I had never held a "demo". A demo, short for product demonstration, is when a representative of a pet food company visits a retail store to present their company's offerings. For me personally and RAWZ as a company, demos hold particular importance for two reasons: First, these events allow me to better familiarize myself with our retail partners and them with our products and cause. Also, as a new company to the already crowded field of animal nutrition, educating pet owners on the benefits and unique traits of RAWZ's minimally processed foods is paramount to our success!
I always enjoy my Saturdays meeting customers and especially love when their pets come with them. Now that we've been on the market for a while I get the chance to meet some RAWZ consumers (usually dogs, but the occasional cat shows up too!) who are thriving on THE NEXT BEST THING TO FEEDING RAW! Lately I've been in the Boston area and have had some great conversations that I'd like to share two of here...
Just the other day I had my table set up and a very inquisitive gentleman seemed determined to get my opinion on the best "tasting" dog food. He actually wanted to know how much dog food I've personally eaten in my life and my description of some of the flavors I'd experienced? Now fortunately, despite my Mom's frugality, I've eaten a diet consisting of human food my whole life, however, the occasional kibble or treat has passed my lips over the years. While I couldn't recall well enough to provide bite by bite descriptions to this gentleman, I did tell him that after seeing the initial batches of RAWZs original chicken and turkey formula made from start to finish, and feeling confident enough to eat some; I'm happy to report, it tastes like chicken! I suppose this isn't surprising given that the first seven ingredients are real poultry protein.
One other common inquiry from shoppers surrounds RAWZs 100% profit donation pledge. I can't blame people for their suspicions as we've all heard of the less than honest "charities" paying high salaries and offering lavish expense accounts to executives. I can usually squash these worries by telling them that neither of my parents take any compensation from RAWZ and never will. We truly hold helping both people and pets as RAWZ Natural Pet Food's only mission!