Do you wish your pet could talk?

Gabe the Husky lying on a porch

I often look at my lab Clooney and my Brother's golden Sophie interact with each other and wonder what they're thinking.  Not only would I love to know their thoughts, but I know the communication between the two of them would be hilarious!  Clooney likes to get up early and wants to be fed immediately.  My brother Andy, Sophie, and his fiance Katie moved in with me this past November.  Since then I've had both Clooney and Sophie sleeping in my bed.  It worked out really well this winter having the two dog's body heat offsetting the low temperature I keep my apartment temperature at to keep my utility expenses low.

In direct contrast to Clooney, Sophie is the most mellow, laid-back dog who will stay in bed until after I've already been up for a few minutes.  Every day I look at Sophie, who by the way sleeps like a person on the pillow next to me, and ask, "Is he seriously trying to get us up right now?" as Clooney circles the bed begging for his morning meal.  I repeatedly tell Clooney to go back to sleep, glancing at Sophie who seems to be telling him the same thing.

One other time that Clooney's stubbornness really shows and when I would love to hear what he's thinking is on our walks at night in downtown Portsmouth.  My good friend David Sylvester whom I met at the Krempels Center, works at a great running store on Congress street called Runner's Alley.  The store's employees always welcome Clooney and I in to visit David whenever we walk by.  I always get a good laugh when late at night, with Runner's Alley long closed, Clooney sits on the sidewalk in front of the store begging to go in and see David.  He won't budge until I promise that we will see David soon.  I would love to hear Clooney's begging and bartering on when we'll return to visit David!