Grateful for 2017....Hello 2018!

Wow: Time sure does seem to be flying by! As I sit here we are being blasted by the monster winter storm "Grayson's" blizzard conditions. While the amount of inconvenience a storm of this magnitude causes is great, spending most of the day lounging with Clooney has given me time to reflect.
The last 12 months have been very exciting for RAWZ, both concerning the growing number of pet owners choosing THE NEXT BEST THING TO FEEDING RAW and watching the impact made by The RAWZ Fund's amazing non-profit partners! I can personally attest to the spirit among the Krempels Center's membership being vibrant with the program thriving; After attending an evening highlighting Northeast Passage's multi-faceted therapeutic recreation offerings I was inspired; and finally, simply by watching the powerful bonds between service dogs and their human companion in the community (don't forget Earle, fellow adaptive sailor Chris' awesome NEADS trained Lab has his own FB page!) is truly moving!
The movement towards less processing and overall recognition of the benefits that a raw diet provides among pet owners is extremely synergistic with the RAWZ nutritional Philosophy. So here's to helping people and pets in 2018 and beyond!