National Rescue Dog Day

The incredible power of pets in their humans’ lives is abundantly clear to all of us here at RAWZ in our day to day interactions with pet parents, which along with our powerful family experience, makes up a large part of our desire to produce minimally processed nutrition for pets. Today, we will look at a wonderful way to add a canine to your pack: Rescuing!
Most of us have probably seen one of the heartstring pulling commercials profiling local rescue organizations or an appeal from the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals on television. The ASPCA “has been at the forefront of animal rescue and protection since [their] founding as the first animal welfare organization in North America in 1866. For more than 150 years, [they] have been the leading voice in animal welfare, bringing the critical protection of animals to the forefront of society.”
Organizations from the ASPCA and its’ state chapters, countless local rescue groups, and many advocates, including an abundance of our independent retail partners, work hard to give the more than 3 million dogs and cats entering shelters each year a chance. National Rescue Dog Day was born when author and co-founder of “Tails That Teach”, Lisa Wiehebrink, wanted to spread the joy she received with her rescue, Cooper, in 2009. An author whose work centers on the bond between humans and animals, Lisa found the values of kindness and unconditional love that she works to instill in children through her writing exemplified in the human-canine connection.
Growing up with our amazing unofficial service dog Boomer, the bond that inspired National Rescue Dog Day’s founding was front and center for our family. After experiencing joy from similar connections with two rescues, my Clooney and Andy’s family with Tommy, all of us here at RAWZ felt compelled to give this national holiday a shoutout! Tommy is an adorable little brother to my nieces Nora and Ruby who found him at Mary’s Dogs, a wonderful rescue and adoption group in Northwood, NH. My four-legged son, Clooney, is what I like to call an “Inadvertent Rescue”, who you can learn more about here!
With National Rescue Dog Day here, we wanted to introduce three of our amazing RAWZ Fund partners who help find dogs new homes and families: Darbster Rescue, Atlanta Animal Rescue Friends (AARF), and Best Friends Animal Society! Darbster Rescue of West Palm Beach, FL operates Darbster Doggie and Darbster Kitty, both located in NH where they give fresh starts to both canine and felines who find themselves without homes. Headquartered in Stone Mountain, GA, AARF’s operations do it all from providing food through their pantry program, matching animals with temporary caretakers, and providing spaying/neutering assistance.
And finally, we have Best Friends Animal Society, whose story began in 1984. “With little money, no master plan, few construction skills and countless lives hanging in the balance, they set out to address a local aspect of a much larger problem. What they created instead was the largest no-kill animal sanctuary in the world and a national movement to end the killing of companion animals.” We’re proud to join Best Friends who’s grown from their original sanctuary in Southern Utah and have impacted a movement that has seen a 91% reduction in the number of shelter animals being euthanized.
The RAWZ team is incredibly proud to help our RAWZ Fund partners in carrying out their missions! For more information on where you can find RAWZ products, learn about our full line of minimally processed nutrition offerings, or join us on our mission to improve the lives of people and pets please visit our “Where To Buy” page to locate your nearest authorized RAWZ retail partner.