RAWZ Feeder Spotlight: Sharon Alt and Cee Cee of Portsmouth, NH

I have to provide full transparency in this post. Sharon has become almost like a second mother to me since we met at Krempels Center in both of our early days of attending. Whether it's been her expertise in ironing, generous dog walking of Clooney, or a shoulder to cry on, my friendship with Sharon truly brings me great joy! After seeing Clooney's fondness for her, I was thrilled when not too long ago, Sharon told me she would be rescuing a cat who had been saved after being thrown in a pool.
Cee Cee, a now 3 year old adorable Siamese, transitioned to RAWZ Dry Meal Free cat food shortly after joining Sharon. Wanting the best nutrition for Cee Cee, and probably to stop me from describing the benefits of minimal processing, Sharon began alternating between RAWZ's Poultry and Poultry with Salmon recipes. Judging by the clarity in Cee Cee's eyes, her beautiful coat, healthy weight, and the compliments she receives at the vet, it's safe to say Sharon has joined RAWZ in improving the lives of pets!
I chose to introduce Sharon and Cee Cee in this post because of her experience as a brain injury survivor and the joy brought to her life by both Cee Cee and her involvement with Krempels Center. As a RAWZ feeder, Sharon has joined us in improving the life people and pets! Sharon loves that the support she received, and continues to get from her affiliation with the KC community, is supported by her feeding RAWZ!
Married young to a Marine named Morris Alt stationed in Portsmouth, Sharon ultimately moved to Virginia working in healthcare. A decorated Veteran from his time in Vietnam, Morris would ultimately succumb to cancer in 10/03, a result from wartime exposure to Agent Orange. Morris' death occurred just a little over a year after a terrible car accident left Sharon with a Traumatic Brain Injury. Witnessing her immense struggle with brain injury recovery while grieving the loss of her husband, Sharon's family ultimately moved her back to Portsmouth.
Still living in Portsmouth and working part time at a clothing store, Sharon does not get to attend Krempels Center as frequently as she would like. As is often heard at Krempels, ounce a member always a member; and the connections between members remain strong. It's always a joy to spend time with Sharon, and of course, get a cuddle from Cee Cee with her beautiful, soft coat!