A Special Thank You on National Caregivers Day

Today on National Caregivers Day, we want to celebrate the professionals who provide so much care to those in need and the at home caregivers, who provide for their loved ones day in and day out, sometimes around the clock. We see you. We understand first hand, the long hours, the sacrifices, the pain and heartache that come with being a caregiver. We also understand the pure joy that comes from helping those in need succeed, recover and live a full life beyond disability.
To our partners at Krempels Center, everyday you are making an enormous difference in the lives of those recovering from brain injury. You offer hope and provide the resources and tools for individuals and their families to create a new life after such a devastating injury. Thank you for all that you do.
To our partners at Northeast Passage, you are empowering people with disabling conditions to get out and enjoy movement, whole life health and sports and recreation. You provide opportunities for individuals and their families to experience joy through recreation and activities, and support families in developing a different understanding of disability, helping them envision what’s possible. Thank you for all that you do.
To you, the home caregiver, it is important for you to remember to take time to recharge and to care for yourself. Self care is not selfish, it is vital to your survival and to your ability to care for your loved one. If you are local to the NH Seacoast, Southern ME Seacoast areas, Krempels Center offers a monthly support group for families of Krempels Center members. To learn more about this support group, click here. Membership at Krempels Center allows your loved one with brain injury to be in a safe and welcoming environment where they can create goals and build skills, while making friends and finding the support of their peers and professional caregivers. To learn more about Krempels Center, click here (you can also see Jim Scott, III in the video).
Northeast Passage also offers opportunities for caregivers to provide for their loved ones with disability while also taking some much needed time for themselves. There are opportunities to connect with other caregivers and find support from your peers as well as opportunities to participate in the activity with your loved one. To learn more about Northeast Passage click here.
As a home caregiver, it can be hard to separate your role as a caregiver from your role as a loved one. Depression, anger, stress, fatigue and burnout are just some of the symptoms of compassion fatigue that caregivers often experience. The Caregiver Action Network offers an online chat forum, resources as well as a help desk that you can call to find support. Click the link above or call the help desk at 1-855-227-3640 for more information.
We are grateful for the professional and family caregivers that give so much of themselves everyday to help those living with disability and illness. We are dedicated to helping you, by providing support through The RAWZ Fund to organizations that provide service dogs, and organizations that provide services to those with brain injury and spinal cord injury. You can learn more about The RAWZ Fund and our partners here.