Still Grateful!

For those avid readers of the RAWZ blog, this may seem to be a familiar topic. It was November of 2017 when we published Gratitude Month! but fear not, dear reader, this is not a repost, rather a look at some of the things that keep us filled with appreciation as we work to improve the lives of people and pets! With American Thanksgiving, founded to express gratitude for the Native Americans and the Pilgrims’ first harvest in 1621, falling on the fourth Thursday of November each year and the month being named National Gratitude Month in 2015, November is the perfect time of year to count our blessings!
Pardon my going on and on about the pooches who have filled my life with joy and love, but I have to start there. First Boomer (4/5/1995–5/5/2010) and now Clooney (b. 8/25/2012) have taught me about unconditional love and provided a source of consistency in life that, looking back, will continue to bolster me moving forward and were invaluable during some trying periods. Check out Beyond Best Friends and Clooney: An Inadvertent Rescue for a closer look at each of my amazing dogs.
But enough about our world-class food thief (Boomer), and the Silver Fox (Clooney). Now, to express RAWZ’s gratitude:
First and foremost, we want to express our heartfelt gratitude to the people and pets who have joined the RAWZ family and trusted us to nourish their pets with minimally processed nutrition. We know there are countless options for feeding your pet, and we are truly honored that you’ve chosen RAWZ to be a staple in your household. Thank you!
To all our suppliers and partners, whose commitment to quality and doing their best for our four-legged companions is unwavering… Thank you!
The trusted independent retail partners, who have given support and helped bring The Next Best Thing to Feeding RAW to more pet parents… Thank you!
Our valued partners in marketing, distribution, recipe development, quality assurance, and of course food integrity and safety… Thank you!
And to the entire RAWZ team, for all that we do to give pets the best lives possible while supporting our incredible RAWZ Fund partners… Thank you!
Lastly, as a TBI survivor who gets to benefit firsthand from the work of a couple of our RAWZ Fund partners to this day, I’d like to share some of my gratitude. I still remember our early discussions about directing a portion of RAWZ’s profits (originally 10%, strictly for service dogs). After reflecting on how blessed my brother Andy and I were by the experiences we’ve had throughout our journeys, we dreamed of helping others to have the same opportunities. Whether it’s the family-like community at KBIC or the fun, therapeutic recreation activities offered by Northeast Passage to KBIC members, I am constantly reminded of the incredible work our partners do. To all who play a role in helping RAWZ improve lives… THANK YOU!