The Best Cat Breeds for Your Household

When I meet fellow pet parents at one of our retail partners’ locations, I usually greet them by saying, “Good Morning, so is it a cat or a dog that brings you here today?” Depending on the answer, my follow up question is always, “Great, what type of dog/cat is he or she?” Seems innocuous enough, but after quite a few confused looks accompanied by the reply, “A four-legged one,” from cat parents, I decided to purr-sue a different approach. For whatever reason, pet parents are more likely to know their dog’s breed than the breed of their household cat. But did you know that certain breeds of cat may be better suited for different households? Well, from my multiple posts about different cat breeds here on the RAWZ Blog, including The 10 Most Popular Breeds of Cats, I’ve learned about many types of felines and it got me thinking…
Risky Proposition
In an attempt to simplify our discussion about finding the best breed of feline to fit your life, our global community will be divided into two types: ones who live in a consistently quiet environment or may be frequently away from home, and those who prefer to live in a dynamic, bustling home, perhaps with children or other pets.
Home Alone
No, this isn’t a reference to the 1990 film of the same title, but rather some great cat breed options that are able to thrive with plenty of autonomy and alone time:
Russian Blue - Ranging in size from 7 to 12 pounds and reaching up to 20 years in age, the Russian Blue’s playful disposition makes it a great companion with children. While playful and inquisitive, the breed is highly independent which allows it to handle time without company well and prefer staying indoors.
Maine Coon - Commonly referred to as the canine of cats, while being affectionate and a great family member, the Maine Coon is a robust and independent breed who can thrive on its own. Ranging from 8 to 18 lbs and living around 10 to 13 years, this breed does well when given plenty of opportunity for exercise.
Life of the Party
Although you won’t find these two cat breeds dancing on a table with a lampshade on their head, they do well with the bustle of activity and frequent human company. And as an added bonus, both these breeds can do well in multi-pet households:
Ragdoll - With its blue eyes and long luxurious coat, the Ragdoll has been incredibly popular for decades. These sweet, easy going felines have earned a reputation for being affectionate and their friendly nature makes them a great breed of cat for those who live in a busier household with family.
American Shorthair - Since making the journey to America on ships with early European settlers to protect valuable cargo from mice and rats, the originally called “Domestic Shorthair” was renamed in the 1960s. Due to this breed’s ability to adapt to any environment, American Shorthair’s make a great pet companion for any household!
Bottom Line
While all cats have their own distinct personalities (just ask a cat parent), some general breed characteristics can help narrow down your decision making when choosing a new feline family member. Truth be told, adding a cat to the household is far from an exact science, but with love, willingness, and patience, a beautiful bond can be created in almost any situation! To fuel your cat, a true obligate carnivore, visit RAWZ’s retail locator to find your nearest retail partner.