The Role of Pets in Improving Mental Health

Despite my many years of higher education across multiple institutions, the title of Dr., or any advanced degree for that matter, has escaped me. However, even this simple middle-child from New England knows the boost to mental health that pets can bring. Whether from my own experience with how my dogs, Boomer and Clooney, always provide(d) a sense of joy and comfort, to the heartwarming stories I hear from pet parents constantly, the fact that pets improve mental health is anecdotally certain. Let’s take a deeper look at how our amazing four-legged companions make our worlds a bit brighter!
While dogs and cats make up the majority of American pets, our furry friends aren’t the only animals classified as pets. However, cat and dog parents in particular take the prize for having the greatest positive impact on mental health. In a study conducted by the American Psychiatric Association (APA), researchers found that around 86% to 87% of dog and cat parents reported a boost in mental health thanks to their pet, versus just 62% of owners with other types of pets. With such high empirical numbers confirming the joy brought by pets, we’re left wondering how cats and dogs have such a powerful impact…
The Medical View
Here at RAWZ, we love to look at the science. Fortunately, many studies have proven that our beloved pets offer us mental health support in the following areas:
Reducing Stress & Anxiety
Research has shown that the simple act of petting a dog or cat results in raised levels of oxytocin, the feel good hormone; while also lowering the stress hormone, cortisol. Oxytocin is more widely known as the hormone which reinforces the bond between a mother and baby. And you thought the term “pet parent” came out of thin air…
APA President Rebecca Brendel, M.D., J.D. perhaps put it best, saying, “People recognize that there is something special about bonds between humans and their pets.”
Providing Unconditional Love & Support
Most of us understand the concept that humans are social beings, or pack animals so to speak. Perhaps the most simple and beautiful example of this is the relationship of a pet with its human. Even something as simple as coming home to a pet who’s happy to see us or being able to talk to our pets to work through our personal struggles can help ease symptoms of depression or loneliness.
Offering Consistency and Routine
The comfort brought by routine and predictability in daily life is something that most people value and benefit from. In fact, it is these consistent activities that help prevent mental distress and can even promote recovery from difficult episodes. Our friends at WebMD highlight the importance of routine in mental health and point out ways pets contribute to a healthy routine. Throw in the added benefits of mood boosting physical activity brought by caring for a pet and we may see pet parenting on prescription pads soon!
RAWZ: Improving the lives of people and pets!
The heartfelt mission of RAWZ Natural Pet Food is to improve the lives of pets through minimally processed nutrition with our non-profit RAWZ Fund partners. See each of our amazing partners’ linked pages for examples of their powerful work, or our retailer locator to find a nearby RAWZ retail partner and join us in improving the lives of people and pets!